
Gluten-free travellers

Ok, so this is a bit like my previous post, but a bit more general!

Once again, looking for what to do when one wants to eat out, and abroad (I wish!) I came accross the Gluten Free Travel Site . Although it is a good idea, specially the part with the gluten-free restaurant reviews, it could really be much better... but of course that also depends whether people bother to comment on the places they go! Proof is, nothing in Japan (isn't shabu-shabu meant to be gluten-free?), one restaurant reviewed in the whole of Spain and Portugal (and it happens to be in Portugal!), and, better than nothing, two reviews for Scotland. One of them being in Edinburgh, logically enough, and the other one being in... Oban! Although I suppose you really have to be quite careful with this reviews, as anything could have changed since the reviews, the restaurants may even have closed down...

One place I remember having being in Edinburgh a few years back was in Edinburgh. Vittoria Restaurant, I think it was called. Just a normal Italian restaurant with a huge sign on the door saying that there were gluten-free pizzas available, so we went there for my sister's birthday (she had recently been diagnosed). The rest of us ate normal pizzas, but some of us (those who live with her) tried a bit of her pizza, and that HAS TO be the best gluten-free pizza I have ever eaten. It would be interesting if someone reviewed that place, if it still does gluten-free stuff... (I think they also made gluten-free pasta... I think.)

Just looking on Google makes you
a) Want to open your own gluten-free restaurant (now, there may be a career for me there! :D)
b) Wish that people with restaurants featuring gluten-free food be more intelligent, pay Google a bit more for their ads, make coeliacs' life easier, and, surely get them a fair bit more business!

1 comentario:

  1. Forgiveness for my evil English.

    Totally agree with you.
    Perhaps you should inform the associations, even those directly affected (maybe) could be more demanding of their own governments, maybe claiming ...

    is a pleasure with you
    sonia gluten free
